Saturday, June 28, 2014

Trading World Is Full Of Lies #2

This is blog post is going to be about all the BULLSHIT that you are told from the brokers and mostly from Retail Traders "Gurus".

Have you aver seen free "trading guru" seminar? Have you ever watched free broker seminar? You should not even bother to listen to them.

The lies and the BULLSHIT that they tell you to get in to the seminar and open a brokerage account with them is designed from the outset to make you trade the way that they want you to trade. This is so they can get paid, not you!

They essentially will teach you how to do these things (or less):

  1. Teach you how to trade using THEIR PLATFORM. They will make this "educational experience" presented as colorful as possible with all the tweaks, and most important that it is simple with them, rather than with the others. Learning how to press "buy" button, or "sell" button is not trading. A monkey can do this, are you monkey? If you believed them, that means you are.
  2. Convince you that Professional Traders TRADE FOR INCOME. No Professional Traders trade for income. They trade to increase their wealth and look at their brokerage account as an asset that they are growing over their lifetimes. All Professional Traders have a salary, they do not take income from trading! The job of a Professional Trader is to grow their account, as big, as possible. It is only possible to optimize your wealth if you nave take money from your trading account. This is simple common sense for all the Professional Traders. it is a LIE that trading is for income, and whoever tells you that is a complete scum and fraud!
  3. Nudging you towards TRADING ON SHORT TERM BASIS. This is my favorite one. This point is always presented as "day trading" with simplistic technical analysis, or around inflection points that the Professional Traders would never use! You'll be watching a video looking at the "Guru" that is showing you when to buy/sell the stock based on the technical breakouts/breakdowns. In fact, that person works for the trading brokerage firm and get's paid for every trade you make. The more trades you make, the more goes in to his/her pocket. They won't tell you to make one trade a month, they want more money from you, so they are selling you this magical world of day trading. They will try to make you believe that following these line charts (indicators) will make you money. If you would take this approach as a Professional Trader you would be fired on the spot. They will also teach you how some numbers/news are important (earnings, contracts, partnerships etc.), the news that are released regularly in the market. Regular releases means regular income from you.
  4. By convincing you that their platform IS PROFESSIONAL, and BETTER THAN OTHERS. None of these platforms are used by Professional Traders. The platforms have been built and designed for retail traders. Which provide you with comfort that you will make money with them. Basically this is how Apple also works, and why Steve Jobs succeeded. They design the product that will appeal to the mass audience because of it's color buttons that you want to press, their shape, how they feel, but at the end they are nothing but simple peace of crap. 
If you believe all of the rubbish that you have been told, and if you still believe after reading this- this means that you genuinely are stupid Monkey in the Market. That means that you are part of the 90% traders who lose money, if you haven't started loosing it yet. The reason for that is that you follow all of the things that you are being told by these "trading brokers"/"gurus". 

You are faced with evil that is everywhere nowadays in the trading world. It is time to fight back.


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